A Herbivorous Dragon of 5,000 Years Gets Unfairly Villainized 2nd Season

A Herbivorous Dragon of 5,000 Years Gets Unfairly Villainized 2nd Season
Titre original Yowai 5000-nen no Soushoku Dragon, Iware Naki Jaryuu Nintei Yada kono Ikenie, Hito no Hanashi wo Kiite Kurenai 2 / 食草老龙被冠以恶龙之名
Titre romaji Shi Cao Lao Long Bei Guan Yi E Long Zhi Ming 2nd Season
Format Série TV
Statut Terminé
Episodes 12
Origine Light Novel
Studio Studio LAN
Diffusion du 02/10/2024 au ? (en cours)
Genres Aventure - Comédie - Fantasy
Premier EP Dernier EP

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